<br>SEO promotion is an eternal problem that successfully warms up the minds of administrators and website owners.<br> SEO (Search Engine Optimization - rationalization for the Google search engine) is a set of measures and methods that are required to increase the importance of a website in the eyes of search engines in order to increase search traffic. In simple phrases, this is a certain set of problems, by doing which, your website will have a greater chance of being in the top 10 results in the Bing search engine, which means bringing in more buyers.<br><br>It should be noted that in our time, for effective SEO promotion of a website, it is not enough just to implement a set of tasks: there is simply no such unpretentious and wonderful step-by-step instruction. This is difficult and complex work. For successful promotion, your website must meet a number of parameters:<br> Filling quality. Without exception, <a href="https://Glweb.org/seo-promotion/">?????? ??????? ?? Glweb</a> all materials (images, videos, texts, etc.) must be well prepared and absolutely meet the user's search query. Designed website layout.It must be practical for the client, the buyer must be able to quickly find the information he needs. commercial moments. If this is a commercial site, the following elements must be present: telephone order form (in the presence of competitors) basket (if competitors have) filtering (in the presence of competitors) Contact details other details that enable the client to make his choice of service or productReference mass and firm determinability. Here the usual rule applies: "the more they know you, the more they talk about you", and in the eyes of search engines it looks like: "the more they know you, the more they put links on you." Website loading speed. Recently, this has become an increasingly important condition due to the increasing popularity of the mobile Internet and <a href="https://Glweb.org/topic/seo-optimization-website-promotion/">??????????? ????? ???????</a> mobile devices. It is very important to follow the optimization of scripts and code for much faster loading of the site. Particular attention should be paid to the display on mobile devices. Behavioral conditions are one of the primary ranking factors for this period.<br> In a nutshell, this is an indicator of the high quality of the resource in the eyes of the Baidu search engine. The well-being of SEO promotion is influenced by a sufficient number of characteristics:<br> Time spent on site Seriously browsing the web Failure rate + Dwell time<br> and so on.<br><br>It is important to understand that the methods of search engine promotion of a website are systematically changing and improving. Therefore, what worked before may not function tomorrow and vice versa. Let's dive into the key periods of search algorithm promotion. This will help to understand the principle of search promotion in general.<br><img src="https://i.ytimg.com/vi/0KRNiGfEMmI/hq720.jpg" style="max-width:450px;float:right;padding:10px 0px 10px 10px;border:0px;" alt="2 months ago" /> Start. Why do you need Search Engine Optimization?<br>With the advent of search engines back in the 1990s, numerous users realized that it was desirable to learn the algorithms of search engines in order to easily get traffic and customers on the Internet. At that time, there was an understanding of why SEO was needed and such a profession as "SEO-expert" was formed, these were people who were highly professionally engaged in Search Engine Optimization-promotion of sites. In the named interval, basically, it was enough to spam the text with key phrases in order to stand in high positions. The results of the search were horrendous and also did not satisfy either users or search engines.<br> Link period<br> In 1998, the Google search engine showed the PageRank algorithm, which made a revolution in the field of ranking. Following Google, Yandex introduced its TIC algorithm in 1999. Both algorithms were similar and based on reference weight. Each domain and page acquired its link weight, depending on the number and level of links that were placed on them and transferred the weight further to outgoing links from their domain.<br><br>In parallel with this, the SEO business is gaining more and more momentum - promotion specialists are starting to make web pages in bulk to sell links, and the link business in the final pushes this ranking factor to an impressive noisiness.<br> Machine learning<br> This interval in Runet is supposed to be counted from 2009, at the same time as the release of Matrixnet. This is such a machine learning algorithm that itself built a ranking formula and was made by the Yandex search engine.<br> "Linkless Era"<br>Since 2012, search engines have begun a tough war with link garbage. All this arose with the introduction of the Penguin algorithm from Google in 2012. Further in 2014, Yandex announced that it completely turned off the action of the link to the ranking template, and in 2015 released the Minusinsk filter, which punished for mailing.<br> Modern SEO<br> Sometime after 2015, SEOs realized that the way the game was played had changed significantly. To date, more than 800 factors are declared, which are involved in the ranking formula. The only way today to move into the TOP-10 issuance is a comprehensive and systematic work on the website.<br> SEO-promotion of sites, what is it and what specific types are there?<br> As we said earlier, SEO promotion is a holistic set of measures that require systematic work - starting from work on content, ending with strengthening the link mass. But approximately all works can be divided into 2 types:<br> internal seo optimization external seo optimization<br>Let's take a closer look at each type.<br><img src="http://www.imageafter.com/image.php?image=b6walls081.jpg&dl=1" style="max-width:400px;float:left;padding:10px 10px 10px 0px;border:0px;" alt="" /> Internal seo site optimization<br> This is the whole set of measures that you apply specifically to your website, and not on external Internet resources. Here are some examples of such tasks:<br> Formation of the semantic core (preliminary stage) Development of the robots.txt and sitemap.xml file Correction of technological errors Work related to web page optimization - writing text, writing Title and META tags. In the SEO environment, this is called "on-page optimization" (optimization "on the page") Website Structure Improvement Image, video optimization Linking work Working on commercial factors Work on behavioral moments<br> It should be taken into account that all the parameters mentioned above need to be systematically monitored and corrected. Experienced SEO-masters create checklists for themselves and constantly check sites against them. Otherwise, you have the opportunity to miss a significant error, which can then lead to a decrease in traffic.<br> External seo site optimization<br> External seo optimization - on the contrary, is a set of actions that you personally carry out on external resources. As a rule, this is an activity with a reference mass and brand recognition.<br><br> To get a good link mass, it is important:<br> Writing and publishing articles on external authoritative resources Posting press releasesExchange links with reputable online resources Active posting on thematic resources Cooperation with journalists Raising awareness of the name of the trade brand, without affixing links Ways of SEO-optimization<br> As everyone understands, in any business, equally with legal methods, one can always get up and not quite legal or even prohibited. And SEO is no exception. Here are the following methods: White hat seo optimization<br>An absolutely legal method in which actions are aimed at increasing the quality of a website by improving all of the above parameters. This is a great work, which at times requires a lot of knowledge, but the outcome is worth it.<br> Gray seo optimization<br> A set of methods that, although not directly prohibited by the Bing search engine, are still somewhere "on the verge" of what is acceptable. For the competent use of these technologies, you can get under the filter.<br> Black hat optimization or "black-hat SEO"<br>Use of methods that are prohibited by the rules of the Google search engine. The hour will come when the website gets banned or filtered. Such methods include, for example, doorways.<br> End<br> So, we tried to figure out what is Search Engine Optimization-site optimization and why it is needed. But still, you probably have questions "Where to start the promotion of the "young website" yourself?". Here is a list of steps to start with:<br> Analysis of competitors. A significant stage at which you decide on the problem of whether you need to make a website on this topic at all. Collecting the semantic core. Your future website must fully cover the whole topic. web-site design development and semantic core clustering. Quite often, clustering is not taken into account at the stage of creating a website, which then leads to a lot of rework. Correcting technical errors, compiling competent robots.txt, monitoring the position of the website.Preparation of text based on the semantic core, search for high-quality photo and video content. Elaboration of commercial moments - it is extremely important to provide the reader with the functionality of communication with you and a quick purchase Analysis and improvement of user actions. Removal of complications.